Senior Account Executive Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Genesys

Stefanos Gouliotis

From his early years Stefanos was attracted by technology, telecommunications and IT. With studies in Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering, he decided to focus his professional career to the Information Technology market. After 19 years of experience in multinational environments like APC, Sybari-Microsoft, Symantec, VMware and Oracle working in several roles and locations in Europe (Ireland, Spain, UK and Greece), he joined Genesys in April 2021. Stefanos is the Senior Account Executive, responsible for Greece, Cyprus and Malta.

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Γεωργία Γιαναδοπούλου, T: 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 237), Ε: [email protected]
Μαρίνα Καφέζα, Τ: 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 252), Ε: [email protected]